Sunday, March 25, 2007

Touchdown in Bishkek!

After a long trip we finally arrived in Bishkek this morning at around 6:30 am local time. I tried out my new Skype account and called my Mom to let her know I was safe. She was surprised to hear me call. This trip was much easier the second time around but it was still brutal. I am tired and sore. I flew out of San Francisco at 6:30 am on Friday and I arrived at 5 pm PDT on Saturday. We had a 12 hour layover in Moscow and had to sit around the terminal the entire time. There are very few seats in the terminal and we ended up sleeping on the floor until we finally got a bench to share. Not much to say about the Moscow airport except to say you are not missing much if you never have the chance to visit. Even the restaurants are pretty grim. At least I had the pleasure of traveling with John and Debbie from Atlanta on, and Carolyn joined us in Moscow. They made the trip much better than it would have been otherwise. Misery loves company I suppose.

I don't have any new photo's up to the site yet as we have not seen Jack yet but will as soon as I get him. I don't get to see him until Tuesday when I go to pick him up. We have been told all our children are fine and ready to come home with us. I would like to see Jack but will have to wait for just a bit longer. I need the extra time to recover anyway.

Everyone seems much more relaxed this trip, perhaps because we have already been here once but it is much less stressful than the last time. We are all excited to be here and eager to get our children. The doubts and anxiety that everyone seemed to feel last trip are nowhere to be found now. We know we are getting the children and they are coming home with us. We are also planning on meeting three other families that are here with another adoption agency. They are staying at the Silk Road Lodge and we have been communicating through the Yahoo website for Kyrgyzstan adoptions. Should be fun getting everyone together for dinner.

The weather is nice here compared to our last trip. The temps are in the high 60's to low 70's and things are starting to turn green although it is still early and there could still be some cold days. The air seems to be a little clearer and I can breath this time verses our last trip where everyone was burning coal to stay warm.

Since I am still pretty rummy from my trip I don't have much else to say right now. We are all here and safe and that is the only thing that matters for the moment. I will spend the rest of my Sunday trying to recover and perhaps go to the market for a few supplies.

More later.

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