You may have noticed the change of appearance for the website, I decided that black was getting old so I changed it. That's what happens when one is bored.
I have been enjoying calling my family while I have been here. I decided to use Skype to keep in touch this trip and it has worked out very well. I started with $10 credit and I have talked for almost two hours and still have well over $6 credit left. In case your wondering, Skype is a service that allows you to use your computer to make phone calls. You need a microphone, speakers and a high speed Internet connection and you can create an account. It works very well (mostly) and I think it was $10 well spent.
It finally occurred to me that I have a bit selfish in my writings here. Everyone has been commenting on how difficult it must be over here for me, but I was thinking about how Kate must feel sitting at home (ok, she is really working) and having to patiently wait for our return. I don't imagine it is easy to read the stories about Jack, to see his pictures and not miss him terribly. I wish we could all be together right now, but it will come soon enough. Before long I am sure we will both have times we wish we were somewhere else.
Sergei has been spending his days in constant motion and some of the battle scars are starting to show. He has failed to negotiate the turn going in to the bedroom several times at high speed and has bumps on his both sides of his head that look like a set of antlers are getting ready to pop out. Unfortunately he won't let that stop him, and is determined to set some sort of land speed record. The kid is tough as nails and has not let mere bumps and bruises slow him down one bit. Rita is much more covert about things as tonight John located one of her little candy stashes of chocolate she has been taking from the fridge. She is pretty darn smart and John and Debbie are going to have fun trying to keep ahead of her.
Well I am tired and ready to go to bed. My Friday is over while yours is just beginning. Have fun!
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