The Slagle's are all well feed and doing very well. We are getting ready for a short trip to my sisters in Oregon for a few days, but it has been pretty quite for us this summer. We have spent some time at my parents house but mostly kept close to home.
On to the subject you all want to read about. Senor Jack is adapting quite well here in the Slagle house. In fact I would go as far to say he is attempting to take it over. There are no safe areas anymore and his presence is felt throughout our home. No cabinet left unexplored, no cord left un-pulled, and no cat left unmolested. Actually Jack is very good with the cat, but also very obsessed with her as well. Poor Athena, she deserves a nice quite life. Too bad. Jack is now walking for short distances and speaking simple words. He is also able to point to things like the cat when asked to.
Jack has been introduced to the word "NO" with increasing regularity. Seems that he does understand what it means, but seems to not always care to hear it. Being a budding explorer, we must see, try or taste everything. Did you know that bugs are edible? Jack does. Any idea what lies in wait at the very back of our kitchen cabinets? Jack does. How about what sand taste like? Jack does. Ever wonder what the bottom of a toilet bowl feels like? Jack is trying real hard to get that answer for you and more information will be available in the future I am sure. Stay tuned!
School has started and Jack is now spending a bit more time without his big sister. Mackenzie is now a first grader and is having a great time. She has a few of her friends from her kindergarten class with her and the others are only a recess away. Mac and Jack are continuing to bond and they are very close. We are very happy with the way they play and act with each other. Mackenzie has actually been a huge help to us by keeping Jack busy while we do other things. In certain ways, it is easier with two children than with one. Mac is a fantastic big sister and we could not ask for more from her.
Well, all for now. Keep writing and let us know your still there.
Scott, Kate, Mac and Jack