It has now been almost 6 weeks since Jack and I arrived from Bishkek and it is time for an update.
The line is probably getting a bit old, but Jack is doing great and continues to thrive. In the weeks since our homecoming, Jack has become tightly integrated within our family and it is almost like he has always been with us. It really is amazing how fast this process has happened and I am especially impressed with Mackenzie's acceptance of Jack. She treats her brother very well, yet she is like any big sister and occasionally tires of her 11 month old sibling. He does tend to command a lot of our attention.

If there is one negative issue that we could point to, it would be the DROOL! I had no idea a small child could expel so much liquid in such a short period of time. I can't believe that he is still able to pee in his diaper after pumping out so much fluid from his mouth. Our floors are covered, his toys are covered, our clothes are covered, even the cat has drool on her. It is incredible! I need to order absorbent material from the same place that helped clean up the Exxon Valdez spill just to keep up. I look forward to someday in the distant future when we look back on this stage as "cute". But for time being, drool is not high on our personal cute meter.
We are all getting excited about the big party at my parents house next month. It is going to be great to get everyone together and just hang out for a bit. Hope to see as many of you there as possible.